The Body Corporate Wellness News December 2003
Silly Season Survival

How are you coping with the Christmas rush…? You are bound to have had more than one reminder this week of how few shopping days there are left until Santa slides down the chimney!
This will be or final newsletter for 2003, and again may prove to be one of our most helpful.

Christmas Stress Survival Tips

The Christmas season starts earlier every year. With all the hype and advertising, it's hard not to get a little stressed out over what should be a pleasant holiday season. One of the best ways to keep your tension level from reaching El Nino proportions is by getting more exercise. If you think you're too busy to exercise, then maybe you just need a little help. Try these suggestions below to see how you can fit some fun-filled activity into a busy holiday schedule.

City Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks - Yes people, shopping is exercise. To burn the most calories, shop in an area where there are hills and steps. If you go to the mall, rather than drive round and round for hours looking for a park that is right outside where you want to be, park as far away as possible in order to increase the amount of time spent walking continuously. This will also in its self reduce stress by not battling with that traffic! Calorie burn: 8.2 calories per minute (hills), 5.2 calories per minute (indoor flooring).

Chestnuts roasting on an Open Fire or in Godzone, the BBQ - A Fire needs firewood. Carrying logs is a great calorie burner: 12.6 per minute (full armload).

Deck The Halls - Reaching up over your head is a natural way to stretch and burn a few extra calories. Calorie burn: 2.2 to 3.3 calories per minute, depending on the weight of the object lifted.

Walking in a Summer Wonderland - Walking outdoors in the sunshine will get the whole family in the holiday spirit. The calorie burn: 5.6 calories per minute.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock - Dancing is the perfect way to stay away from the buffet table and burn off some of those extra nibbles. Calorie burn: slow dancing 3.5 calories per minute, fast-paced dancing 10.4 calories per minute.

Silent Night, Holy Night - Sometimes we are too exhausted to even think about exercising. Instead of going for the fridge or pantry, try playing soft music and simply meditating. If you just can't relax alone, make an appointment with a massage therapist once a week for the three weeks before Christmas. While relaxation does not burn many calories, it is extremely important for your mental and physical health.

Deliberately plan one or two days over the holiday period that are exclusively set aside for things you enjoy doing.

Remember the basics…

  • Try to eat well - it's okay to eat the pav, but have some salad first!
  • Drink plenty of water - You will think more clearly (and recover more quickly!) if your brain and body is well hydrated.
  • Try to relax - When you feel stressed, close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Concentrate on slowing your breathing until you feel calm again.
  • And above all else - remember the old saying… this too shall pass!

If you need some nutritional assistance to help survive the Christmas/New Year period, our Wellness Shop on The Body Corporate website can provide you with all the necessary supplements to fortify your mind and body and help reduce the stress load on your body.

Love your Liver

With the overindulgence in food & alcohol plus the added stress and business, you need to Love your liver. As well as the nutritional tips, supplementation can assist. Nutri Medicine Liver Support contains the necessary vitamins, minerals, herbs and trace elements that will assist your liver to breakdown that extra fat, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine etc and thus, lessen the effects on your health.

A great investment at only $22.45 (incl GST & Delivery) per packet. Either send a cheque and your delivery details to The Body Corporate Ltd, P.O. Box 8225, Symonds Street, Auckland or if your wish to pay by credit card, Click on, provide your name and contact phone number and we will be in touch for your details. Please note this product is not suitable during pregnancy.

Need that massage, or want to fill someone's
stocking with a necessary treat?

Click on the link below, send your name and contact phone number and you will be contacted for a booking or to order massage vouchers for friends, family, and work colleagues.

30 minute massage
1 hour massage
1 ½ hour massage

These prices include GST and are based on location at The Body Corporate Ltd, 84 College Hill, Ponsonby, Auckland by Health & Sports Massage, or for Residential massage - add $20.00. (This means they come to you).

As the feedback from our "tips" for last Christmas & New Years season was overwhelming, we have decided once again to remind you all of what you can do to lessen the damage.

Getting ready for a "heavy night
or Christmas Day"

1. Before going out, have a Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. These are the vitamins most depleted by alcohol.

2. Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach: buffer with water, juice, or snacks. Make the first drink fruit juice.

3. Always compensate water and mineral losses with fresh water and fresh fruit. Hydrate well before cocktail parties.

4. Make every other drink either water or fruit juice as a standard practice.

5. Watch the old "1-2-3 punch" chips, fatty snacks and alcohol. Together, these put even more load on the liver.

6. Pay your "fluid debt" before retiring - two-three glasses of water.

7. Some liver herbs can assist your liver in metabolising alcohol more efficiently. Visit the Wellness Shop on our website for details on the Liver Cleanse formula

Preventing a hangover

A "hangover" is a euphemism for a severely dehydrated (low blood volume), hypoglycaemic (low sugar), hypokalemic (low potassium) state wherein you have irritated the covering of the brain (the meninges).

So all right, you've had a big night, you feel tipsy, you are a little slow and muddled and you've forgotten the aforementioned tips. Anyway, you've found your way home. Prior to crashing, note these tips on how not to pay too dearly the next morning for the indulgences of the evening:

  • A glass of water for every drink you had, for the dehydrative effects of alcohol. Don't worry your body will keep every drop as it's parched.
  • A banana or two, for the nice potassium and fruit sugar.
  • A vitamin B complex and a multi-mineral supplement.

Then go to sleep smiling on your right side. This is the side on which your stomach empties itself so that the above can get downstream to be absorbed. Bon Nuit!

Like all truly important things in life, good health is a gift that money can't buy. The Christmas season can be a time of peace and renewal. Keep your calendar clear for some time to exercise, meditate, rest and have fun.

Well that's it from us for the year. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2004 from all of us in The Body Corporate team.

. Please feel free to contact us at any time to discuss any of the programmes in more detail, or for any concerns or questions you have in general.

Yours in Health and Wellness

Karen, Karen, Karin, Rebecca and Jill

The Body Corporate Team

Christmas/New Year Hours
We will be closing on Friday 19 December and re-opening on Monday 19th January. If there is anything super urgent during this time, you can contact Karen Moffatt on 021-843 860 or Karen Beard on 021-471 386

How to contact us
Telephone: 09-361 3964
Mobile: Karen Beard 021-471 386
Karen Moffatt 021-843 860
Facsimile: 09-361 3965
Address: PO Box 8225, Symonds Street, Auckland
84 College Hill, Ponsonby
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THE BODY CORPORATE - achieving the balance